Potential of Virtual Reality in Aviation and Aerospace Industry

Potential of Virtual Reality in Aviation and Aerospace Industry

VR has reshaped many industries today and the aerospace industry is one of them. Virtual reality technology nowadays is increasingly being used in militaries for various applications such as safety, s

AR, VR, and MR for SMEs

Industrial AR, VR, and MR for Small and Medium Enterprises

Some of the most sought-after technologies during these hard times is AR, VR, and MR, which are no longer limited to only games or entertainment. Now its application is expanded to many other fields a

VR for sports training

Enhancing Sports Training with Virtual Reality Technology

Technology like Virtual Reality is transforming our everyday lives to a great extent and the Sports domain is no exception to the wonders of technology.

From enhancing players' performance to offering i

VR in Marketing

Virtual Reality Marketing: The Future of Customer Engagement

From wall paintings and posters to social media postings and advanced digital marketing methods--- the marketing and advertising space has evolved a lot.

Gone are the days when marketers used to rely s

Virtual Reality Travel

Will Virtual Reality Replace Travel? Virtual Travel and the Future of Tourism

  • 50% of travelers globally use virtual reality to facilitate their travel booking and enhance their experience (according to Statista).

This means VR integration is as important as a website or virtual

AR/VR in hospitality industry

Augmented Reality in Hotel Industry: AR/VR for Hospitality

Today, as we stand at the brink of a new era of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), and Virtual Reality (VR) have become a significant part of our daily lives. And it sho
